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Deep Conditioning Treatments

10 Jan

Why do we need to give our hair some extra attention every few months? It can be explained as simple as a screen door. Think of your hair as having tiny screen doors that open and close every day. Just like any screen door it needs to be mended and repaired after being opened and closed time after time. If not your door will break down and fall off, thus not serving its purpose of protecting us from the elements outside!

The cuticle on a hair strand works the same way. We open and close them every day by using heat to style, and even more so by chemical processes such as color and perming.

We can help repair those doors by adding protein and essential oils back into the hair, making your hair stronger so it can withstand the styling and environmental elements we expose our hair to. Deep conditioned hair will also avoid split ends and maintain length in your hair since it will not be breaking off faster than it can grow.
Professional in-salon deep conditioning treatments can be customized to your individual needs. They are a more concentrated form of protein and moisture designed at the molecular level to penetrate the hair strand even deeper. Moisture from the essential oils helps to keep that shine and movement in your hair so it can show off your beautiful cut and color. Protein mends and strengthens the hair to maintain its elasticity.

Keep in mind that too much of a good thing can also be bad. These kinds of treatments are to be monitored by a professional. Too much protein makes the hair brittle defeating the purpose by causing more breakage and too much moisture makes the hair lifeless and heavy. I recommend that my clients who style and color their hair get a deep treatment cut at least four times a year to maintain the health of their hair.